Sunday, August 26, 2012

Day 23 - Aug 26: Eastward, Ho!

After resting up in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, the AC'12 convoy is on the move again today. This really is the beginning of the home-stretch.

SPOT showed rather then taking the Alaska Highway, they detoured south along the Klondike Higway (purple line on map). At Carcross, they took the Tagish Road east to Jake's Corner where they hooked back up with the Alaska Highway.

The plan was to stop at the George Johnston Museum in Teslin. According to the Milepost, the:
"George Johnston Museum preserves the photography of Tlingit Indian, George Johnston (1884–1972), who captured the life of the inland Tlingit people of Teslin and Atlin between 1910 and 1940. Johnston also brought the first car, a 1928 Chevrolet, to Teslin, and it is on display at the museum."
The convoy is then to head to Swift River and Rancheria River Valley. They will actually dip down into British Columbia for a bit, but then end up back in the Yukon Territory.

AC'12 Day 23 travel routes

- Ellen

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