Tuesday, July 3, 2012


E-W and the Juice Box

Welcome to Electro-Willy's blog.  Mike (m38mike), Greg, Nate, Owen, Electro-Willys, the Juice Box, and The Cave will soon all be heading out for a grand adventure.  We hope to use this blog as a way to keep track of those adventures. 

They will be travelling the Alaska and other highways on a circuit between Dawson Creek and Denali NP, and back with the AC'12.  This is a convoy, organized by the Military Vehicle Preservation Association (MVPA), in honor of the Alaska Highway's 70th Anniversary.

Communication will be sparse at times, but after all, who really wants a lot of cell-phone and computers when you are out there enjoying the great wilderness of truly northern North America.

Updates to the blog will be linked to Facebook and several other of Mike's favorite jeep and electric vehicle forums.  You can also subscribe to updates using the Subscribe to: link below.

Let's all get on board and follow Mike as he tries to get a Guiness World record for single driver/distance for an all electric vehicle!

- Ellen


  1. Good job Ellen, I sent the link to Jane. The "Deja Vu" sections brought back memories of the "old" highway.

  2. Thanks Gale! It should be fun to follow Mike and Electro-Willys.

  3. Hey Mike, I dont know if this blog is active but I have a question about an adapter plate for an EV motor to a willys t90 transmission and I think you can help me out. My email is redmuned2@yahoo.com if you get this message.
